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Sweet Lemons



Sweet lemons are an excellent source of vitamin C and are beneficial for treating the common cold, sore throats and dehydration. Some homoeopathic advocates use Sweet lemons to relieve gastrointestinal problems, boost liver function, and act as a natural antiseptic.

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Product description



The Sweet lemon is medium-sized with an overall rounded shape and a slightly flattened bottom. Its rind is yellow with a pale green tint and later develops an orange hue when fully ripe. The skin is relatively thin and smooth and is rich with aromatic oils. The juicy, greenish flesh has minimal seeds and is nearly acid-less. Unlike the Meyer lemon, which is sweet but still tastes like a lemon, the Sweet lemon is actually closer to the flavor profile of a lime; sweet and floral like rosewater with a mild tartness. The pulp is quite mild when compared to the fruit’s intensely aromatic zest. 


Sweet lemons are available year-round with peak season in the spring. 

Current Facts

The Sweet lemon is botanically classified as Citrus limetta and may be commonly referred to as sweet lime, sweet limetta, Persian lime and Mediterranean sweet lemon. In India, it is called Mosambi where it is prized for its many health and beauty benefits. Confusingly, it looks like a lemon, yet tastes like sweet acid-less lime, hence the numerous aliases. Two common varieties grown in California are the Millsweet limetta and the Ponderosa sweet lemon. 

Nutritional Value

Sweet lemons are an excellent source of vitamin C and are beneficial for treating the common cold, sore throats and dehydration. Some homoeopathic advocates use Sweet lemons to relieve gastrointestinal problems, boosts liver function and as a natural antiseptic. The juice may be used as a hair rinse and the halved fruit may be rubbed directly on the skin to reduce blackheads. 


Use Sweet lemons to add a sweet, floral citrus note and a gentle acidity to sweet and savory dishes. Beware of using them interchangeably for traditional lemons, however, because they do not offer the same cutting acidity or intense flavor. The Sweet lemon’s low acid level and rich sugar content allow them to be eaten raw and freshly sliced just like an orange. In India the juice is often sweetened with a touch of honey and spiked with cumin, black salt or chaat masala, an Indian spice mix. The juice also makes an excellent sorbet, custard, vinaigrette or marinade. The aromatic peels of the Sweet lemon may also be captured by steeping them in a simple syrup for cocktails or infusing them into plain sugar for confectionaries. Sweet lemons compliment seafood, lamb, poultry, couscous, grapefruit, orange, lemon, berries, honey, vanilla, cinnamon and clove. 

Ethnic/Cultural Info

Sweet lemons are ubiquitous in the cuisine of the Middle East and are often used as an aromatic centerpiece on the kitchen table or for a natural remedy at any sign of a cold or cough. 


The Sweet lemon tree may be found growing in tropical and subtropical climates and usually bears fruit within 5-7 years. The Millsweet limetta probably originated in the Mediterranean region and came to California from Mexico. The cultivar grew at the San Gabriel Mission in 1822 and received the name “Millsweet” in 1943.