This is the classic English apple, often regarded as the finest of all dessert apples.
It arose in England in the 19th century as a chance seedling and has inspired apple lovers ever since. It remains unsurpassed for its richness and complexity of flavour.
Product description
‘Cox’s Orange Pippin’ is highly regarded due to its excellent flavour and attractive appearance. The apples are of medium size, orange-red in colour, deepening to bright red and mottled with carmine over a deep yellow background. The flesh is very aromatic, yellow-white, fine-grained, crisp, and very juicy. Cox’s flavour is sprightly subacid, with hints of cherry and anise, becoming softer and milder with age. When ripe apples are shaken, the seeds make a rattling sound as they are only loosely held in the apple’s flesh.
One of the best in quality of the English dessert apples, Cox’s Orange Pippin may be eaten out of hand or sliced. Not recommended for cooking, it cooks to a fine froth. Cox’s Orange Pippin is often blended with other varieties in the production of cider.